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Subscriptions - Frequently Asked Questions - FindLegalForms.com 0 1
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FindLegalForms Subscriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the FindLegalForms Premier Subscription service?

The FindLegalForms.com Subscription Service allows complete access to our library of forms. Furthermore, you will also be able to edit the forms online and store the forms and many other documents and files in our secure online document vault - all for a low monthly subscription fee.


What is the FindLegalForms standard subscription?

A standard subscription gives you access to our secure online document vault which allows you to automatically store any form that purchase from us, as well as upload documents and files to the vault for easy access from anywhere. You will also be able to edit any text documents online via a web based word processor that does not need to install any software.


What is the difference between a standard subscription and a premier subscription?

A standard subscription allows you to save an forms you purchase from FindLegalForms.com to your secure online document vault as well as upload additional documents. You can also edit any text based document online. The Premier subscription allows you to do everything the standard subscription does but also gives you access to our form library and you will be able to download almost any form from our extensive collection.


How does the Premier Subscription service work exactly?

To use the Premier Subscription service you will first need to register for a Premier Membership account. You will then get access to an Account interface. The interface will allow you to access your secure online document vault, as well as upload documents and files to the vault. You will be also able to edit any editable documents online right from your browser with the build in online word processor. When logged in, you will also be able to access our library of forms and save virtually any form to your online document vault for free.


How much does the Premier subscription service cost?

The subscription service costs $49.95 per month.


How much does the standard subscription service cost?

The subscription service costs $4.99 per month.


What do I get for my monthly Premier subscription fee?

The monthly subscription fee entitles you to:

  • Complete access to our library of forms
  • Ability to edit the forms online with our online word processor
  • Ability to store the forms and many other documents and files in our online document vault.


What do I get for my monthly standard subscription fee?

The monthly subscription fee entitles you to:

  • Ability to edit the forms online with our online word processor
  • Ability to automatically store forms you purchase at FindLegalForms.com and many other documents and files in our online document vault.
  • 10% discount on any future purchases (must be logged in to receive this automatic discount).


Do you have a comparison chart for the subscription services?

  No subscription
with purchase
Standard Subscription
with purchase
Attorney-prepared legal forms Yes Yes Yes
Easy to use with instructions Yes Yes Yes
Immediate download Yes Yes Yes
Multiple file formats Yes Yes Yes
Unlimited number of prints Yes Yes Yes
Secure Online Storage   YesYes
Instant add-to-vault   Yes Yes
Online Word Processor   YesYes
Access from any computer   YesYes
Upload personal documents   Yes Yes
10% off all future purchases   Yes N/A
Complete access to library    Yes
Access latest form over and over    Yes


How do I upgrade from a standard subscription to a premier subscription?

To upgrade your account, do the following:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. From the "My Account" page, click on the "Edit Profile" link on the left.
  3. Near the bottom of the "My Profile" page, click the "My Membership" link.
  4. Click the "Upgrade to Premier Membership" link and follow the directions.


What forms can I access through the subscription service?

The subscription service allows you to access practically our entire library of forms with just a few exceptions and limitations. Specialized forms - such as entertainment law form and a few others - are not available via our subscription service. For a list of forms available via our subscription service, please click here.


How do I edit a document?

Nearly all of our forms are available in Microsoft Word format. You can edit these files two ways:

  1. Use our integrated online document editor, powered by Zoho. To use this, navigate to the "My Account" page and select "Edit" using the dropdown menu next to the document you wish to edit. When you are finished editing your document, be sure to save your changes. Your document will be saved directly to your vault.
  2. Download the document to your computer and edit the document in a desktop word processing program such as Microsoft Works. When you are finished, the document will be saved back to your computer.  If you would like to add the modified document to your vault, be sure to upload the new version.


How many legal documents can download with a Premier Membership?

You may download up to 40 of our legal documents each month.


Why don't I see an "edit" option for certain files?

Only certain types of documents can be edited in the online document editor. Microsoft Word (.doc) and Rich Text (.rtf) can be edited in the online document editor, but Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) and Wordperfect (.wpd) cannot.


Is my data secure and confidential?

Yes, all of your data is stored securely and is encrypted with a key that is specific to your account.


Is my data backed up?

Your data is stored securely off-site using Amazon S3 (http://aws.amazon.com/s3/). This is the same robust system that Amazon.com uses to store much of their own data. Amazon S3 is designed to store data durably, with no single point of failure.


I forgot my password, what do I do?

If you have forgotten your password, please contact customer support (http://www.findlegalforms.com/help.htm) to have your password reset and sent to your email address.


How can I cancel my account?

We're sorry to see you go, and we hope you've been pleased with the service we have provided.  If you would like to cancel your account, do the following:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. From the "My Account" page, click on the "Edit Profile" link on the left.
  3. Near the bottom of the "My Profile" page, click the "My Membership" link.
  4. Click the "Cancel Membership" link and follow the directions.


If I reactivate my account, can I access my old documents?

Yes, once you reactivate your account, you will be able to access the documents that were stored in your vault.  In order to reactivate your account, you must have one of the following:

  1. Access to your original account email address.
  2. Your original account password.


How is the subscription system billed?

The subscription service is billed immediately when you subscribe and then monthly on the "anniversary" day of your subscription. For example if you subscribed on the 12th of the month, your subscription is billed immediately and then on the 12th of each successive month.