Sales Representative Agreement (Australia)
Sales Representative Agreement for use in Australia.

In the course of conducting your business, you may need to hire or employ a person who will be your sales representative, selling the goods and services you or your company provides and representing the company to your present and future clients and consumers. In such a case, you will want to execute a clear, concise and legally valid agreement which sets forth the obligations of the parties and protects the rights of those involved in the agreement.
The importance of a well-drafted and legally valid Sales Representative Agreement cannot be underestimated. Without such agreement there is an increased chance of confusion and conflict, sometimes resulting in administrative actions and lawsuits, exorbitant legal fees, as well as the drain of time and resources dealing with said issues.
To minimize the chance of problems arising from the relationship between the company and its sales representatives, you will need a sales agreement which clearly sets forth the terms of the position, responsibilities and obligations of the sales representative, as well as the monetary details for both parties. Here you will find a form that provides all of that and more; a form which works to protect you and your company from time-consuming problems and also facilitates the creation of a seamless, profitable, and mutually agreed-upon relationship with your sales representatives.
This packet identifies and explains many key elements in drafting this document; some of the important provisions incorporated herein include the following:
The packet available here for purchase was prepared and reviewed by an attorney and includes the following:
The importance of a well-drafted and legally valid Sales Representative Agreement cannot be underestimated. Without such agreement there is an increased chance of confusion and conflict, sometimes resulting in administrative actions and lawsuits, exorbitant legal fees, as well as the drain of time and resources dealing with said issues.
To minimize the chance of problems arising from the relationship between the company and its sales representatives, you will need a sales agreement which clearly sets forth the terms of the position, responsibilities and obligations of the sales representative, as well as the monetary details for both parties. Here you will find a form that provides all of that and more; a form which works to protect you and your company from time-consuming problems and also facilitates the creation of a seamless, profitable, and mutually agreed-upon relationship with your sales representatives.
This packet identifies and explains many key elements in drafting this document; some of the important provisions incorporated herein include the following:
- Designation of Parties: An explanation of who the parties to the agreement are, and how they will treated/referred for purposes of this agreement.
- Advantage of Agreement: Explanation of the benefits of specific provisions, and how they will work to the advantage of all parties to protect rights and minimize conflict.
- Discussion of Enforceability: Details the enforceability of such agreement, and provides the optimal time to execute the agreement.
- Confidentiality: Describes and provides confidentiality clause for protection of company and sales representative.
- State and Federal Laws: Brief explanation of the federal and state laws which may affect the agreement and some issues that the company and all parties should be aware of in regards to the laws.
- Explanation of Expenses: Details the specific terms regarding the way expenses will be handled, as well as the obligations of the parties in terms of such expenses.
- Employment Status: To clearly set forth the status of the sales representative as an employee or independent contractor or other lawful relationship used in agreement.
The packet available here for purchase was prepared and reviewed by an attorney and includes the following:
- Checklist & Instructions for the Sales Representative Agreement for Australia;
- Detailed information regarding the Sales Representative Agreement Form; and
- Sales Representative Agreement Form for Australia.
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.
Number of Pages12
DimensionsDesigned for Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
EditableYes (.doc, .wpd and .rtf)
UsageUnlimited number of prints
Product number#33534
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.
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